Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Rare Political Diatribe

I belong to several industry listservs, one of which is dedicated to political discussion (supposedly as it pertains to healthcare). I have been disheartened to see that the majority of people who post regularly are staunch conservative Republicans, spouting anti-Obama rhetoric at every opportunity, praising the Tea Baggers, and crying foul the moment anyone challenges anything they post.  This morning's digest contained a number of references to "Obama and his socialist cronies," among other things.

While it's not worth it for me to wade into the fray in my industry (where I am known, and where my own political leanings and beliefs do not mesh with those of my employers), I very nearly did post this response to that listserv - I actually hit "post" and then had a change of heart and deleted it before the moderators could approve it.
But then I found that I still felt like I needed to say it SOMEWHERE - so here it is.

A political party "spinning" dissent about their policies is not unique to the Obama administration.  Nor is working with the media to slant what information is presented, or to withhold information altogether.

Just in recent memory? The anti-war protests during the Bush administration? There were HUGE protests in NYC and DC. Minimal news coverage. Those who expressed anti-war sentiments in the media were blacklisted (Dixie Chicks? Bill Maher?) and the country was basically told: "If you're not with us, you're against us." I saw a huge resurgence in "America: Love it or Leave it" bumper stickers - and we were right back to where we were during the Vietnam-era protests, the Korea-era protests, the Gulf War-era protests.... Do I need to keep going? So, don't place all the blame on "Obama and his socialist cronies" - it's both sides of the aisle doing the hush jobs.

Do I think that the Tea Baggers have a few screws loose? Yup. Do I think that Obama is the second coming? Nope. Do I think Glenn Beck needs to be banned from the airwaves? You betcha. Do I read the Huffington Post? Not on your life.

Partisan politics have degenerated so far that we can't even have useful dialogue anymore. It's name calling and mudslinging from all sides. That's NOT free speech. It's NONSENSE.

The freedom of expression and the right to dissent against our government are two of our most valuable freedoms, which many people have died to protect over the last 2+ centuries. As has been ably pointed out, many people in other countries suffer greatly because they lack these freedoms.

Maybe, if we all take a deep breath and try to express our opinions calmly and rationally, without name calling, rhetoric or insults, we all might find that we want many of the same things from our government, and from our country.

Or maybe we'll begin to realize that nearly all the political rhetoric being thrown around are simply "tales told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." (Shakespeare)